Home > Celebrating Father’s Day: A Tribute to Bernard Mangion, Founder of BENESTATES

Celebrating Father’s Day: A Tribute to Bernard Mangion, Founder of BENESTATES

Father’s Day is a time to honour the men who shape our lives with their love, guidance, and hard work. Bernard Mangion, the founder and director of BENESTATES, is not only a successful entrepreneur but also a devoted father whose experiences and values have profoundly influenced his journey.

Talking with Bernard on a personal and reflective level, he recalls many instances with his own father which have been of great influence, instilling in him a drive for excellence and values of discipline, integrity and perseverance. These principles are now fundamental to the culture at BENESTATES.

Fatherhood has changed his perspective on leadership; while making him more cautious and risk-averse, it also drives him to work harder for his family’s future. He has ensured that as a company we understand the challenges faced by employees who are parents and strive to influence with family values in mind.

A work-life balance is something he values and cherishes, emphasising that family time must remain a priority. His advice to all is that “balancing your professional and personal lives is crucial, especially when children seek a father figure at home, and it is almost detrimental for a healthy childhood and positive family atmosphere.”

“Balancing your professional and personal lives is crucial"

The team has ensured to create a supportive environment for all and provide perks within the company for its employees such as life insurance and flexible hours, even organising family work events from time to time to foster a family-friendly environment.

Bernard hopes to pass on lessons of perseverance, loyalty, positivity, and the importance of learning from failures to his own children, encouraging them to carry forward the values he cherishes, leaving a positive impact and inspire future generations.

On this Father’s Day, we celebrate all fathers around the world. Bernard Mangion, a visionary leader, is just one of many remarkable fathers and his story today is a reminder of the profound impact fathers have on both family and professional life.

For more about Bernard Mangion and BENESTATES, visit BENESTATES About Us.


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